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OC Curves

From: Stan Alekman
Date: 11/21/2005
Time: 8:35:54 AM


Assume I use a sampling plan for the number of incoming cocntainers to inspect is n1=50, a1=1, r1=2. The entire lot will be rejected if more than 1 container is rejected.

For each container, the number of samples to be selected is n2=13, a2=0, r2=1. The container is rejected if any sample is rejected.

The OC curve for a lot with fraction defective p is: OC(p) = B(pc|50,1) where pc = B(p|13,0). B() is the binomial distribution and pc is the probability of accepting an individual container.

Which sampling plan wil draw an accurate OC curve for the plan described above?

The sampling plans above are arbitrary, selected for the purpose of illustration only.

Last changed: November 20, 2007