Specifications &
Support Information:
Validation of Software Validation of TSS Plans Customer Service Windows Compatibility Year 2000 Off-Site Information |
Compatibility with DOS,
Windows 3.1, 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000 |
visitors= |
- DOS:
- The acceptance sampling programs TP105, TP414 and TP781 are version 1.22,
written in "Microsoft Visual Basic for DOS". They can be operated either from
DOS or completely from within windows.
- Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98, NT:
- We provide shortcut icons for launching the programs from the desktop.
- Additionally in Win95, Win98, and NT4.0, you can launch the programs by
double clicking their shortcut icons in Explorer.
- Additionally in Win95,Win98, and NT4.0, you can place the shortcut icon
in the [Windows] [Start] folder of win95, win98, or NT4.0. Then be launch by [start]
- Windows ME and Windows 2000 do not support our protected disks, so if you
have these versions, please notify H & H Servicco so that we can send you the right
- Future Versions:
- The next version will be written specifically for windows in Visual
Basic, but it is too early in the development cycle to give a predicted release time.
Perhaps a year. If you start with the current version of TP414, it will be easy to switch
later to a windows version. The Quality Engineering aspects will be equivalent.

For More Information Contact:
H & H Servicco Corp.
PO Box 9340, No. St. Paul, MN 55109-0340
Tel: 651-777-0152
FAX: 651-777-0152
Internet: service@samplingplans.com |