| 09/21/10: Announcing new option of TP105 to
audit for bed
bugs. This is an application of discovery sampling and is tailored
for auditing rooms in hotels, ships, dormitories, etc. and beds in
hospitals, barracks, etc. Added a
user manual
for the bed bug option.
. |
 | 09/21/10: Corrected an erroneous definition of K in the tutorial.
. |
 | 03/17/08: Announcing New TP105 and TP414 Version 3 for Windows
Follow links to descriptions and
view/print/save user manuals.
TP105 now includes the TPZero tool.
. |
 | 11/18/07: Fixed broken link for downloading a trial copy of:
"Tool for Ac=0 Sampling Plansgold diamond rolex replica
replica rolex gmt master ii green bezel
metro watch replica
. |
 | 06/01/07: Added a new sampling plan
discussion forum.
. |
 | 05/29/07: Closed the discussion forum stop spam
posts. It is now read-only.
It is still searchable and it contains good discussions of
many sampling issues.
. |
 | 05/28/07: Added downloadable help file of
TP105 version 3.0.
. |
 | 09/29/04: Release of TP105 Version 3.0 for Windows.
The Tool for C=Zero plans is incorporated into TP105.
. |
 | 10/28/03: Added the TPZero online
user manual.
. |
 | 10/20/03: Added the ability to download a new software product:
"Tool for Ac=0 Sampling Plans",
. |
 | 01/16/02: Read this if you currently receive notification of changes
to this page because you signed up through the Mind-it button (Upper Right). You will have
to sign up again. The company that provides the Mind-it service was bought by another
company. You can continue to monitor this page for free -- but you will have to
re-register with the new button as soon as the new button is installed. Check back
in a few days to sign up after the the new button is installed.
. |
 | 01/14/02: Due to a technical problem with this website, all
requests for software information or email notification did not get recorded between
12/1/01 and 1/10/02. Please re-enter.
. |
 | 09/01/01: Added to the Best Practices area - Switching Rules versus Sequential Sampling Plans.
. |
 | 08/28/01: Added page Validation of TSS
Sampling Plans. The accept/reject decisions of a TSS sequential plan for variables
were simulated with MS Excel.
. |
 | 03/12/00: Added an on-line
"shopping cart" for buying sampling plan software with VISA, Master, and
American Express.
. |
 | 02/14/00: Added Powerpoint presentation on sequential sampling as presented to the Minnesota Section
ASQ on 2/8/00.
. |
 | 11/13/99: Added page: AQL Primer for
Purchasing Agents to clarify common misconceptions about the meaning of AQL.
. |
 | 08/01/99:You can receive free automatic email notification when new
messages are posted on the sampling plan forum by going to http://www.netmind.com/html/individual.html
and subscribing to http://www.samplingplans.com/forum/forum.htm
. |
 | 07/09/99: Added page for sampling
of inventory (physical count versus book record).
. |
 | 04/01/99: Added page for analysis of Xbar charts.
. |
 | 04/01/99: Re-organized the website to improve ease of navigation and
attractiveness. Added links in tutorial to application examples.
. |
 | 02/25/99: Added the ability of visitors to this website to
subscribe to automatic email notification each time new a change is listed on this page.
Each email will contain information for canceling the free subscription. All email
addresses will be kept confidential. To subscribe, enter your email address at top and
push the Mind-it button.
. |
 | 02/10/99: Notice -- Some information was lost. If you filled-in the
e-mail or information request during December 1998 or January 1999, please do it again.
. |
 | 01/30/99: Added a description of the process
used to validate the software of H & H Servicco Corp.
. |
 | 01/22/99 Added the capacity to download
additional information about H & H Servicco Corp. software for developing sampling
. |
 | 01/01/99 Changed the URL and upgraded this website from
www.mystreet.com/samplingplans to www.samplingplans.com.
. |
 | 01/01/99 Modified the website to make the discussion forum easier to
maintain. See forums.htm.
. |
 | 12/09/98 Added an application page: Reliability
. |
 | 11/25/98 Added ability for website visitors to input their email
addresses to be notified of future new software and website features.
. |
 | 11/13/98 to 11/24/98 Made major changes to the web's navigation
structure to make it easier to find items of interest.
. |
 | 10/31/98 Added a new chat forum for visitors
to discuss sampling plan issues.
. |
 | 10/29/97 Added page: Sampling
Bulk Liquids, Powders, Pellets
. |
 | 10/13/97 Added page: Year 2000 Project
. |
 | 10/12/97 Added page: Sampling
Applied to Numerical Color Measurements
. |
 | 09/02/97 Added page: Compatibility
of TP Software with DOS, Windows 95, 3.1, and NT
. |
 | 08/14/97 Added page: Relationship
of TP414 to Mil-Std-414 |